24 October 2010

Day 2 of Region North Community Engagement Forum

Well we are underway with Day 2 and the majority of the group have turned up bright eyed and ready to go again.

First activity is looking at Risk Management Plans and discussing desktop research needed to start a community engagement plan. Where would you start the development of a community engagement strategy based on a risk management plan??

It is easy to under value the power of having a conversation with someone so next we will be discussing conversations and body language.

Fire Danger Ratings and Neighbourhood Safer Places are also on the agenda and we finish today on the Wishing Wall.


Procter Morris said...

Region North Community Engagement Forum in Tamworth was great! Good useful information, presented well and great people. I believe that communities will benefit from the information presented and that the Forum was appreciated and enjoyed by all in attendance.

NSW RFS Community Engagement said...

Hello Procter,
It was lovely to meet you over the weekend and thanks so much for the feed back.
Did you find it hard to join the blog? A few people have had trouble so I am curious.
Thanks from Tanyia