09 November 2010

Just a catch up

We are soon to start the planning for next years Community Engagement Roadshows and would be very interested in any ideas on how people would like us to conduct the roadshow in 2011. This year was based on finding out the community engagement needs of volunteers and staff in order to determine our deliverables and direction for 2010 and 2011.

Engagement Matters, an internal electronic newsletter (sent via e-mail) will soon be launched. Engagement Matters is designed to enable the sharing of engagement experiences, tools, initiatives while providing handy tips and resources that might assist you with your engagement activities. To receive Engagement Matters you will need to subscribe so watch this space, or our Face Book page, to find out how RFS volunteers and staff can subscribe.

Over the last week we have had 1 379 visits to our Face Book page! I think the Region North and East Forums were a great boost to the pages membership as that is double the average weekly Face Book traffic. Now to lift the traffic to this blog :o) Any ideas???

Future volunteers!
Photos of engagement activities are still being sent into community.engagement@rfs.nsw.gov.au so our resource library is steadily increasing. We really appreciate people sharing their photos and taking the time to send them in.

Cheers for now

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